Thursday, November 13, 2014

New cute items is available!!

Take a look at this cute little bear head. His name is Yona. Don't you think he looks so cute with his rainbow hat?
It's available in our etsy shop now ^_^ it's gonna be a great gift for someone you love or for yourself ^^
You can have this cute crochet bear as key chain, bag charm, dust plug so he can stay in your phone, or phone strap

READ MORE - New cute items is available!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bitcoin faucet list that really pay me!

List of the best Bitcoin faucets that really pay me :)
1. freebitcoin (paid every Sunday when more than 0.00005460 BTC, just enable the autodraw)
2. bitcoin zebra (paid every Saturday/Sunday when more than 5500 satoshi)
3. moon bitcoin (paid every Sunday when more than 5500 satoshi)

READ MORE - Bitcoin faucet list that really pay me!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Iphone Text Messages - Epic Fail - Funny Moments - Funny Text

Iphone Text Messages - Epic Fail - Funny Moments - Funny Text - Autocorrect

There're some epic fail iphone text messages to cheer up your days

1. I don't care, I just want a pony
2. Yeah, mom, you run out of penis and butt
3. Boobsickles, boobsickles, and holy donkey, what else?
 4. Vagina vs Vespa

 5. Mom, I've told you
6. Finally, mom, you found it!!
7. You fought because penis? oops, pen

READ MORE - Iphone Text Messages - Epic Fail - Funny Moments - Funny Text

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Apple Iphone 6 : 4.7-inch display, A8 processor, 8-megapixel camera

Apple akhirnya telah merilis model iphone terbaru, iphone 6. iphone 6 akan tersedia di 2 ukuran berbeda, dimana kedua ukuran ini lebih besar dari iphone sebelumnya.

versi iphone 6 display nya 4.7 inch, tetap jauh lebih besar daripada pendahulunya, layar 4 inch di iphone 5 maupun iphone 5s.

Bagaimana dengan "jeroan" nya? iphone 6 dilengkapi prosesor A8, dimana 25% lebih cepat dari A7.
Kameranya memiliki sistem autofokus baru yang mampu fokus lebih cepat dibanding sebelumnya, dikatakan mampu 2 kali lebih cepat dari iphone 5S.
Diluncurkan dengan iOS 8

iPhone 6 akan diluncurkan dalam 3 pilihan warna, gold, silver dan space grey, dan akan mulai tersedia pada 19 september, dimana preorder dimulai tanggal 12 september. iPhone 6 dikabarkan akan tersedia di 115 negara di akhir tahun ini.
READ MORE - Apple Iphone 6 : 4.7-inch display, A8 processor, 8-megapixel camera

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Amigurumi Mini Cake

Good News!!
Finally I just finished this yummy cake. Delicious strawberry rolled cake aka strawberry swiss roll :D
You can use it as a cell phone charm, dust plug, or keychain.  You can get it for yourself or your loved one. 
This swiss roll is made in yarn and hook, add a little butter cream, put the strawberryl. Voila! A delicious strawberry swiss roll is here!
Who can say no to this yummy? ^_^


Grab it here Now it's available in my etsy store

READ MORE - Amigurumi Mini Cake

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cara Menggunakan VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP di Microsoft Excel 2013

Salah satu function yang sering digunakan di microsoft excel adalah vlookup dan hlookup. Kedua fungsi ini digunakan untuk menampilkan data dari tabel lain, dimana jika tabel sumber berformat vertikal, maka kita gunakan vlookup, sedangkan jika format nya horizontal, maka gunakan hlookup.
Format penulisan vlookup adalah =vlookup(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) atau versi lebih mudahnya adalah =vlookup(data yang mau dicocokkan, tabel tempat data, kolom ke-)
Format penulisan hlookup adalah =hlookup(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup]), versi mudahnya adalah =hlookup(data yang mau dicocokkan, tabel tempat data, baris ke-)

Sekarang kita coba praktekkan yaa
Bukalah Microsoft Excel anda, ketikkan tabel berikut ini 

 Yang harus dikerjakan adalah mengisi kolom Nama Jabatan, menghitung Gaji dan Total Gaji.

Mengisi kolom Nama Jabatan

Untuk mengisi kolom Nama Jabatan, kita menggunakan fungsi vlookup, karena terdapat di Tabel Gaji, dimana Tabel Gaji formatnya vertikal.
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell D5, ketikkan =vlookup(
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell B5, lalu ketikkan , sehingga fungsi menjadi =vlookup(B5,
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell B13, lalu sambil tekan tombol shift, klik cell E16 (bloking seluruh tabel gaji), lalu tekan tombol F4 (untuk mengunci area bloking), lalu ketikkan , fungsi menjadi =vlookup(B5,$B$13:$E$16,
  • Ketikkan angka 2 lalu ketik ) dan tekan Enter
  • Untuk baris di bawahnya (cell D6 - D9), tinggal di copy saja dari cell D5
 Berikut ini penjelasan mengenai step ke 4, menggunakan angka 2
Kolom yang kita butuhkan adalah kolom nama jabatan, untuk penomoran kolom ini, di Tabel Gaji, merupakan kolom ke 2, penomoran dimulai dari kolom terkiri, dimulai dari angka 1, dst.

Sedangkan mengapa kita menekan tombol F4 pada step 3, karena saat kita melakukan proses copy di step 5, jika tidak di kunci, area data sumber (tabel gaji) akan bergeser

Mengisi kolom Gaji Pokok

Untuk mengisi kolom Gaji Pokok, kita kembali menggunakan fungsi vlookup, caranya sama seperti cara mengisi kolom Nama Jabatan, hanya untuk step 4, kita ganti dengan angka 3

Mengisi kolom Transportasi

Untuk mengisi kolom Trasportasi, kita kembali menggunakan fungsi vlookup, caranya sama seperti cara mengisi kolom Nama Jabatan, hanya untuk step 4, kita ganti dengan angka 4

Mengisi kolom Tunjangan
Untuk mengisi kolom Tunjangan, kita akan menggunakan fungsi hlookup, karena tabel Tunjangan formatnya horizontal
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell G5, ketikkan =hlookup(
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell B5, lalu ketikkan , sehingga fungsi menjadi =hlookup(B5,
  • Arahkan kursor ke cell B19, alu sambil tekan tombol shift, klik cell D20 (bloking seluruh tabel gaji), lalu tekan tombol F4 (untuk mengunci area bloking), lalu ketikkan , fungsi menjadi =hlookup(B5,$B$19:$D$20,
  • Ketikkan angka 2 lalu ketik ) dan tekan Enter
  • Untuk baris di bawahnya (cell G6 - G9), tinggal di copy saja dari cell G5
  Berikut ini penjelasan mengenai step ke 4, menggunakan angka 2

Sama seperti untuk kolom Nama Jabatan, ada penomoran juga, namun bedanya adalah disini penomoran berdasarkan baris, penomoran dimulai dari baris teratas, dimulai dari 1, dst

Mengisi kolom Total Gaji

Menggunakan fungsi SUM

Berikut tampilan hasilnya

Selamat mencoba!
READ MORE - Cara Menggunakan VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP di Microsoft Excel 2013

Cara Memberikan Penomoran Berbeda di Microsoft Word 2013

 Berikut ini merupakan tutorial untuk memberikan nomor berbeda namun tetap dalam 1 dokumen.

1. Dari file yang sudah disatukan baik daftar isi ataupun BAB I, arahkan kursor dan klik mouse di halaman paling atas dari dokumennya. 
- Klik Ribbon Page Layout
- Klik panah kecil di sebelah kanan menu Break
- Pilih Next Page
- Kursor akan pindah ke halaman berikutnya

2. Klik lagi halaman 1
- Klik Ribbon Insert
- Klik panah kecil di sebelah kanan Page Number
- Klik Format Page Number

3. Akan muncul pop up untuk mengatur format penomoran.

- Pilih Number Format huruf romawi kecil (seperti gambar di atas), kemudian klik OK
- Setelah tahap ini penomoran belum muncul pada lembar kerja anda.

4. Klik lagi halaman 1
- Klik Ribbon Insert
- Klik panah kecil di sebelah kanan Page Number
- Kemudian pilih posisi penomoran sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. (Pada contoh ini penomoran berada diatas kanan)
- Klik Top of Page, pilih Plain Number 3

- Klik Close Header and Footer

5. Penomoran masih tidak teratur, dimana pada halaman 1 page numbernya (i) sedangkan halaman selanjutnya page numbernya (2).

6. Klik halaman 2, ulangi langkah 2 & 3 di atas
- Klik Ribbon Insert
- Pilih panah kecil di sebelah kanan Page Number
- Klik Format Page Number
- Klik Start at, isi dengan angka 1, dan
- Klik OK

7. Maka perubahan dapat terlihat di halaman 2 yang tadinya bernomorkan (2) kini berubah menjadi (1).

8. Selesai

"Bagaimana untuk nomor-nomor selanjutnya?” itu mudah, yang perlu anda lakukan hanya tinggal melakukan enter seperti biasa dari masing-masing halaman jika ingin menambahkannya page baru.

Jika masih bingung dengan langkah-langkahnya, jangan bosan untuk membaca dari awal dan ulangi setiap langkah demi langkah yang ada. 

READ MORE - Cara Memberikan Penomoran Berbeda di Microsoft Word 2013

Cara Membuat Mail Merge pada Microsoft Word 2013

Tutorial kali ini mengenai cara membuat mail merge pada Microsoft Word 2013 yaa
Untuk penjelasan apa itu mail merge dan pembuatan database nya, bisa dilihat di tutorial sebelumnya, di sini.

Nah, kita mulai dari buka dokumen tempate (atau membuat baru di word 2013), lalu klik Ribbon Mailings, Start Mail Merge, lalu Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard

Nah, di sebelah kanan, kini muncul menu langkah - langkah pembuatan mail merge nya

Pilih sesuai kebutuhan, keterangannya akan berubah, tiap diklik, di tutorial ini, kita gunakan email messages yaa, lalu klik Next (yang dilingkar merah di gambar di atas)

Selanjutnya pilih Use the Current Document (karena kita sudah sedang membuka file template), kemudian klik Next

Klik Browse, jangan lupa sesuaikan tempat kita menyimpan file Db_1.xls tadi, klik OK, lalu berikut tampilan sesudah ter – load, lalu klik Next

Selanjutnya kita cocokkan item dengan dokumen (kalau keterangan di menu nya step 4 of 6), pilih yang More Items

klik insert di tempat yang pas, lalu close, lalu ulangi lagi langkah ini untuk item lainnya

Sesudah items dicocokkan dengan dokumen, klik Next

Jika sudah dirasa pas, langsung klik Next lagi lalu close wizardnya dengan mengklik tanda silang kecil di ujung

Untuk melihat data yang ada, klik button prev/next, pastikan button Preview Results nya aktif

Untuk mencetak dokumen atau mengirim via email, klik panah kecil yang ada di bawah Finish & Merge

Selamat mencoba, untuk mendownload dokumen di atas, silahkan download/unduh di sini yaa
isi file:
- file excel untuk database
- file word 
  • Extract dalam 1 folder yang sama, kalau muncul pop up berikut, di klik Yes saja

READ MORE - Cara Membuat Mail Merge pada Microsoft Word 2013

Friday, September 5, 2014

Surviving Jack (Ended)

Recently I just saw this American television comedy series that aired mid-season on Fox as part of the 2013–14 American television season, Surviving Jack. It's a lil bit unsual for me to watch comedy series, but what can I do, since all of my favourite series are on break.

Let's begin this review about this comedy.

I love it! I like it! Too bad they just cut this great series. Well, set in the 1990s, Jack Dunlevy (Christopher Meloni, one of my favourite actor, since I saw Law and Order) ,ex-military and a doctor, he never knew how "hard" it is to become a housewife, lol, when his wife, Joanne is starting law school, now he must spend more time with his teenage children, Frankie and Rachel.
Frankie is just starting his freshman year in high school, with 2 buddies, Mikey and George. Rachel is a pretty and smart girl, she's got a boyfriend called Doug. Jack call him, Mango.
Since Joanne want to become lawyer, Jack must try to listen to Frankie's problem or giving space to their children.

 I really like how Jack really show his affection towards his wife, Joanne. I really hope that Fox would renew it :D
My favourite episode is 06, She Drives Me Crazy.

Surviving Jack (2014) on IMDb

READ MORE - Surviving Jack (Ended)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to get diamonds in Hayday

You'll get more Diamonds every time you level up, and it might be worth synching the game up with Facebook for a few extra free Diamonds. At level 24 in Hay Day you can begin mining - another source of this precious currency.

Another way to get more Diamonds in Hay Day is to keep an eye out for the purple tickets that sometimes appear near your newspaper. Once you've watched a clip, you'll be able to claim a handful of free Diamonds.

Another smart technique way to get more diamonds is to collect all seventy eight achievements (3 levels) Every time one of these levels is completed you're given a ribbon and a couple of diamonds. Through the same menu, you'll can also challenge Game Center friends by beating their scores or earn more achievements. Those challenges are sort of races where the first to complete that goal gets the reward. Note: you must claim the accomplishment reward in order to get it.

Finally you can be mining for Diamonds:
Zoom into the mine
Leave the game
Turn on “Airplane Mode”
Go back to your Hay Day farm
Mine with the shovel 2-5 times
If you don’t get any diamonds, stay in the game until the disconnect appears. Then leave game and hard close it. Turn airplane mode off - And you still have all your shovels, so you can try for diamonds again.
Once you get the diamond and you want to KEEP IT, you HAVE to go BACK to settings and QUICKLY turn off airplane mode before the disconnect appears. Also, you have to work in small quick batches. Mine 3-5 times and stop to wait for disconnect.. OR go to settings to turn off airplane and save the games progress.

Open your mine and use TNT. It will produce diamonds every couple of blasts. When you have enough diamonds, pay for Tom's service and have him find nothing but TNT and load up on it. Then blow the mine and use as much metal as you can, again more diamonds will come every couple of blasts. Sell what metal you can't store. But you have to use tom and get a bunch of TNT.
READ MORE - How to get diamonds in Hayday

100 Floors Cheat (Other Editions) Seasons, Valentines

Annex Levels 1-5
    Level 1 - select the machette and cut the rope tied to the rock on the right.  Quickly tap the egg in the falling board on the left.  Select and place the egg in the nest in the tree on the door.  If you miss catching the egg, you can cut the rope and keep trying to catch it.
    Level 2 - tap and drag from the upper right to the middle and finally the middle left.  Then flip the lever to open the door.
    Level 3 - tap the numbers so the left reads top to bottom 5 - 0 - 2 and the right reads top to bottom 0 - 2 - 5
    Level 4 - tap the drum in time to match the pattern of lights above the door.  As you tap them correctly, they will light up.
    Level 5 - shake your device to knock the books off the shelves.  Pull the shelf from the left to see the pattern of X's and copy on the door by touching the squares.  Move that shelf out of the way and repeat with the right shelf to see the pattern of 0's.

Halloween Seasons Levels 1-15
    Level 1 - you can scroll once to the left and right.  You'll notice the letters match up to a QWERTY keyboard.  You need to speel H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N.
    Level 2 - grab the sledgehammer to the left of the cauldron and use it to break the glass to the left of the door.  Grab the hose and hook it up to the spicket and touch the spicket to turn it on.  Then grab the apple to open the door.
    Level 3 - tilt device to the right to slide jack-o-lantern to the far right.  Grab the machette and tap the button to bag.  While the rope is exposed, cut it with the machette to drop it into the jack-o-lantern.
    Level 4 - starting in the upper middle, make your way around the outer edge in a clockwise pattern tapping the first circle once, the second cirlce twice, and so on. Here's an image on how to beat level 4.
    Level 5 - grab the sledgehammer and tap the pumpkins in order of most complex (bumps/ridges) to least complex.
    Level 6 - touch the leaves to the right of the door (there is a black line "thing" under them that's partially exposed).  Select it and touch the black line pattern the left of the door.  Then, tap the corresponding door quadrant to match the pattern.  The order is UPPER RIGHT - LOWER LEFT - LOWER LEFT - UPPER LEFT - UPPER LEFT - UPPER RIGHT - UPPER LEFT
    Level 7 - type "3 - 9 - Ent"
    Level 8 - type "4 - 6 - 1 - 3"
    Level 9 - click the left arrow button 3x (number of bats on the left side of the wall) and flick the left side of the door up.  Then click the right arrow button 2x (number of bats) and flick the right side of the door up.  Then press the left and right arrow buttons each once.
    Level 10 - drag the following "tiles" to the corresponding holes in the door(i.e., tile -> door): left top -> upper right, left bottom -> upper left, right top -> bottom right, right second from the top -> bottom left.  Here's an image on how to beat level 10.
    Level 11 - grab the latern and place it above the left side of the door (to match the right.)  Then you need to tap a combination of lights and jack-o-lanterns to create an "N" and "W". Tap the items from left to right for the "N" (to match the direction of the arrow) and from right to left for the "W" (also to match the arrow on that letter.) Here's an image on how to beat level 11.
    Level 12 - use the machette and tap on the eyes, noes, and mouth of the jack-o-lantern (to carve them out.)  Tap the eyeball in the mouth, select it, and place it in the ghost's missing eye.
    Level 13 - tap the torch, select it, and touch the spiderweb to expose the word "TOMB".  Then set the letters to PBCT (pumpkin - bat - cat - tomb)
    Level 14 - Pick up purple bolt from floor on the right.  Put the bolt below the bat on the right side of the door.  Select colors that will make “Red” then hit bolt (Purple and Yellow), then the colors that will make “Green” then hit the bolt (Turquoise and Yellow), then the colors that will make “Blue” then hit bolt (Purple and Turquoise).
    Level 15 - Change the items on the door to the following:  Top left: Cat, Top right: Bat, Bottom left: Scythe, Bottom right: Spider Web

Christmas Seasons Levels 1-15
    Level 1 - the goal is to get the numbers to read 1-2-2-5 (12/25 American date for Christmas). Press the following sequence: 3rd up, 4th up, 1st up, 2nd down, 2nd down, 2nd down, 4th up, 4th up, 4th up, 1st up, 1st up, and 1st up.
    Level 2 - image coming soon
    Level 3 - tap lightswitch at left (wait for package to fall down the chimney), tap present and swipe to the right. Then select key and put it into the keyhole to the right, inside the fireplace.
    Level 4 - Slide left column down one, slide bottom row to the left once, slide left column up one, slide middle row left one, Slide Left Column down one, Top Row Left one, Left Column up one, top row right one, left column down one, middle row left one, left column up one , middle row right one, left column up one
    Level 5 - Touch the snowflake in each corner once, then touch middle snowflake.  Pick up hammer on floor, break glass and hit elevator switch
    Level 6 - Move the colored blocks to the other side of the screen.  Do this by utilizing the extra space in the middle of the path to move the blocks over one at a time.
    Level 7 - Each block letter stands for the following: L = left, U = Up, D = Down, R = Right.  Start with the block “L” Second from the bottom and left.  Follow the direction of each block as you highlight it.
    Level 8 - You must move the circles to match the pattern on the bottom right of the floor in six moves.  To do that, tap the upper left dot on the door 2 times, then the upper right 2 times.  Tap the upper left again once and the upper right one more time.  The door will open.
    Level 9 - Hit the switch on the right side of the elevator to bring in a red screen.  Tap the different sections of the door as follows:  Bottom left, Top right, Bottom right, Top left, then Middle.
    Level 10 -  Select the chess piece from your bank.  Put it on the board and move the Knight in “L” shapes until all spots are black.  The door will open.
    Level 11 - Use your hammer to break the bottom left panel piece that has a crack in it.  After doing this, you’ll be able to slide the moving pieces.  You must match the tile above with the tile that is shown below to open the door.
    Level 12 - You must find the code that solves the mathematical equation on the door.  The solution is 3215
    Level 13 - Move the blocks within the picture to match each block with their corresponding image below
    Level 14 - Use the dots on the door to complete the yellow line throughout the door.  The pattern should match the patter on the floor.  Image attached of solution
    Level 15 - Maneuver the blocks until you can get the blue block into the top left corner.

Valentines Levels 1-15
    Level 1 - Simply draw a heart in the dots on the door. Make sure your heart stretches wide to reach the furthest left and right dots and comes down in the middle.
    Level 2 - Simply tap on the calendar until the leaves fall off the trees
    Level 3 - in this level, you need to tilt your device carefully until the two hearts meet in the middle
    Level 4 - When you tap a letter it will light up. The moving arrow turns a letter back off, so simply tap the letters until you've got them all lit up at the same time
    Level 5 - each square on the elevator will turn pink when you tap it. Simply make another heart out of pink squares and the level will be cleared. Note: you don't have to fill in the heart and make sure to use two squares vertically on the outermost parts of the heart so that only the middle bottom square of the elevator door is filled and only a total of 3 squares are pink on the elevator door
    Level 6 - In order to unleash cupid's arrow and hit both hearts, just shake your device
    Level 7 - The numbers at the bottom must read "214" as in February 14th. The outermost lights should shine on the spots furthest from them. The light second from the left should point at the left spot. Finally the middle and second from the right lights should shine on the middle point.
    Level 8 - The hearts all have to point inwards. To do this, tap the top left heart twice, then the top right five times, then the bottommost heart twice.
    Level 9 - Remember the Konami code? Simply input Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right on the floor buttons to progress
    Level 10 - The hearts need to switch positions. Tap right, then up, then right again, then up again. Now tap left to send the blue heart to the left side. Now just tap down and the elevator will open
    Level 11 - First tap on the black spot a bunch and then tap on the blue dots on the heart covering the elevator door. The door will open after a short animation of the heart sealing together
    Level 12 - Hitting the elevator call button the right will reveal letters. Remember the letter locations and then tap them in order to spell out "Valentine"
    Level 13 - The gears must be arranged to fit together. The largest gears will go in the second and final places.
    Level 14 - Tap the king first, then the top three cards in order from left to right, then the queen and the door will open
    Level 15 - Tap the top left star and the heart beneath it. Then tap the top right star and the heart beneath it. This switches each. Then tap the bottom left star and the middle heart. This will trigger an animation where the valentine falls into the basket. Congrats!
READ MORE - 100 Floors Cheat (Other Editions) Seasons, Valentines

100 Floors Cheat

100 Floors Cheat
Press Ctrl + F then type the level :D (ex: level 17)

Levels 1-10
    Level 1 - press the green arrow up
    Level 2 - move the trash can, click the green arrow, select the green arrow, click the up arrow
    Level 3 - tilt the left, tilt to the right
    Level 4 - pinch out to the left and right
    Level 5 - tilt backwards
    Level 6 - move right plant, touch the four larger "buttons"
    Level 7 - tilt right to slide rock over button
    Level 8 - move fruit to find banana, select banana, click the gorilla
    Level 9 - make the larger buttons (inner and outer rings) match the smaller buttons
    Level 10 - shake to awaken snake, top left to bottom right swipe

Levels 11-20
    Level 11 - using the gyroscope, balance both balls in the middle until three lights display
    Level 12 - tap the red buttons with very short, quick taps to push the ball up until you light up the column top in green
    Level 13 - shake to drop the sledgehammer, grab the hammer, select the hammer, and hit the wall until it breaks
    Level 14 - hold down the green hand until five lights display
    Level 15 - tap in sequence 1-6-4-3
    Level 16 - grab screwdriver, select screwdriver, touch each screw, tap board, tilt to drop background
    Level 17 - tilt the left one, right twice, left three times, finally to the right twice
    Level 18 - quickly tap blue dots so all are lit (tip: since some stay on longer tap from the top left counter-clockwise.) Here's an image on how to beat level 18.
    Level 19 - grab towel, select towel, wipe the windows
    Level 20 - grab screw, move sign, select bol, tap open screw hole, select screwdriver, tap screw

Levels 21-30
    Level 21 - hold exactly upright until eye opens and hold until five lights display
    Level 22 - select sledgehammer, tap right statue until it breaks, swipe doors in order: up, right, left, down
    Level 23 - tap green to turn on lights, select pegboard, tap door, then tap in order: bottom right, middle, top, bottom left
    Level 24 - swipe with two fingers over the arrows to lift the door and tap the green arrow while holding the door up
    Level 25 - swipe the balls to match the floor pattern with left down, next up, next 3/4 up
    Level 26 - touch all batteries/fuses to fall to the floor then place them as follows: left (2x) = 1v & 5v, middle (3x) = 1v & 20v, right (1x) = 20v & 5v
    Level 27 - slide right panel to the far right, select sledgehammer and hit right (cracked) wall, grab screw, select screw and tap middle of the door, and crank screw in clockwise circle until all five lights display green
    Level 28 - match the pattern above the elevator with taps (2x pause 3x pause 1x pause 2x)
    Level 29 - lay device flat and left the bomb explode
    Level 30 - set the clock (by dragging the second hand) to YOUR current time and touch the switch

Levels 31-40    Level 31 - select screwdriver and touch each screw in the sign, unselect screwdriver and drag sign rightside up
    Level 32 - each diagonal must sum to 12 (the number above the elevator), change the position of the dots by tapping the two you want to exchange. Here's an image on how to beat level 32.
    Level 33 - tap the color button (white, yellow, or red) that corresponds to the item
        cloud = white
        snowflake = white
        banana = yellow
        pear = yellow
        fire = red
        cherries = red
    Level 34 - tap the numbers/letters 1-0-0-F-L-O-O-R-S
    Level 35 - plug in the cord, tap parts of the digits to make 35 appear
    Level 36 - touch the items from lowest on the earth to highest (fish, dog, fruit, plane, moon)
    Level 37 - swipe item on the floor to the right to let button up, tilt backward tip ball up off button, swipe upper left to expose ball, tap ball
    Level 38 - tap left, top right, bottom right in order to coordinate timers to hit green at the same time
    Level 39 - tap/hold upper left (green), drag diagonal to bottom right grey, drag up to top (green), drag diagonal to bottom left (green), drag to the right two dots (a green line should be going through all grey dots)
    Level 40 - turn your volume all the way down

Levels 41-50
    Level 41 - keep touching the flies to see a pattern to match
    Level 42 - turn off the lights (note the shapes), swipe the doors to the left and right, note the shapes on the next layer, swipe the doors to the top and bottom, match the noted shapes
    Level 43 - move both plants to reveal a pipe, select the ball and add to the left side of the pipe, then balance the ball through the pipe to the other side to press the green button down
    Level 44 - move the plant out of the way then touch each panel to match the door from left to right with (1G = grey, 2W = white, 3B = black, 4W = white)
    Level 45 - select the sledgehammer and smash the blowing AC at the top, then select the machette and cut the rope on the balloon, and as it is rising, tilt the phone to line it up with the button and not get popped by the spikes
    Level 46 - the top has to exactly mirror the bottom (pay special attention to "tails" on shapes to make sure you've got a mirrored image). Here's an image on how to beat level 46.
    Level 47 - tab squares until they line up to complete the circuit from bottom right counter-clockwise back to the bottom middle. Here's an image on how to beat level 47.
    Level 48 - select the machette and swipe away the vines, then tap the colors to match the number of flowers in that color (white = 5, yellow = 5, pink = 4). Here's an image on how to beat level 48.
    Level 49 - tap the letters in order: Pa, S, S, W, O, Rd
    Level 50 - tap the center of the door as fast as you can to "knock" until the green bar fills up

Levels 51-60
    Level 51 - tap the squares to make black a pattern that matches the shape of the sword. Here's an image on how to beat level 51.
    Level 52 - tap the snowflakes to show 1-2-2-5 (12/25 in American style dates for Christmas)
    Level 53 - drag the hook down to the box, tap the switch to turn off the electricity, grab the wire cutters, select the wirecutters and tap the fence
    Level 54 - using the A=01 as decoder, type the following numbers to spell C=03, O=15, D=04, E=05. Here's an image on how to beat level 54.
    Level 55 - lay your device flat then start tilting up/down and left/right to see the overlay of other blocks come in and fill in the gaps
    Level 56 - tap the numbers to equal the number of flags that box is touching (including diagonal.) Here's an image on how to beat level 56.
    Level 57 - touch and hold the red button to move the hook to the right and align with the top of the wrecking ball, then release and pull/drag the chain down to attach to the wrecking ball, then press the red button to move the ball in line with the door, and finally tap the ball three times to break the door
    Level 58 - using the keyboard, play the white keys in this order 3-2-1-2-3-3-3-1-2-2-3-2-1 (it should sound like "Mary had a little lamb")
    Level 59 - grab rock, select rock and smash window (upper left), tap mirror (twice) to point to sticks to start fire, grab stick, select stick and touch fire, touch stick to lever (melt ice), and touch the lever
    Level 60 - select torch, light both sconces (two light blue "eyes" will appear), then tap the drums:  4x Red, 2x Dark Blue, 1x White, 4x Light Blue

Levels 61-70
    Level 61 - You have to make the four spaces above the clock say 1830 (24-hour time for 6:30) so place them 1 - F+L - 3 - backwords L + upside down L.  Here's an image on how to beat level 61.
    Level 62 - select the machette and cut the wire on the box in the bottom left, then press the right and left arrows to get the remaining geen line to the top above the door
    Level 63 - match the dark/light tiles to the lights when the rock is over the left button. Here's an image on how to beat level 63.
    Level 64 - touch the black dot in the middle (eyeball) and drag your finger counter-clockwise quickly until the green bar above the door fills up
    Level 65 - grab the ball, select the ball, place it at the bottom of the tube, select the torch, touch the sprinkler, and the room will fill with water raising the ball to the top of the tube to press the button
    Level 66 - grab the stick on the right, select the stick and grab the hook on the left side, select the hook and touch the ring on the door, then swipe down to pull the door down
    Level 67 - tap the flower in the upper right to release a "seed" and move the bucket to catch it (a stem is planted), tap the water and move the bucket under the water (a flower sprouts), then move the bucket under the sunlight
    Level 68 - grab the star to the right center of the door (on the floor), press and hold the lever to lift the box, let go of the lever and quickly grab the panel beneath the box, select the star, then press and hold the lever to left the box and finally let go to tap the star beneath the box
    Level 69 - tap the light above the door and time when to tap the fish to the right of the door (the fish will hit the falling light and float it into the octopus to uncover the drain), then use the machette to hack away the vines
    Level 70 - press the buttons in this order: Left-Right-Left-Left-Right-Left-Right-Right

Levels 71-80
    Level 71 - the signs at the top must be the exact opposite of the corresponding (opposing) dots/dashes.  Here's an image on how to beat level 71.
    Level 72 - have the items finish in this order: yellow circle, red triangle, blue square, green pentagon
    Level 73 - pick the right formula to get to 73: left, left, down, right, up, right, up, left, down, left
    Level 74 - next order of the sequence from hitting the floor. Bottom starts red. Here's an image of how to beat level 74.
    Level 75 - level platforms, pick up small weight on right and put it on the left, then place all three weights on floor on right platform
    Level 76 - rearrange jigsaw puzzle to form box with lines. Then place wood tile from inventory in center
    Level 77 - stop light created by hitting green button on 7th circle
    Level 78 - deconstruct the box. Here's an image on how to beat level 78.
    Level 79 - copy pattern on floor. Here's an image on how to beat level 79.
    Level 80 - light torches based on numbers at top. Torches are labeled 1-5 starting on right. Tap the stone/hole in the middle for the periods between number sets (and the 0).

Levels 81-90
    Level 81 - Hold the phone upside down and tap any digit and x (mulitply) then equal (9x9=81). The digits are actually 9's instead of 6's.
    Level 82 - Select the machette and tap on the floor (just above the F in Floor 82). Grab the item, select it, and place it on the left door. Tap the left knob on the door twice and right knob seven times (recreating the shape on the ground.) Grab and select the lever. Place it to the right of the door. Tap and hold the lever to open the door.  Tap the green arrow while holding the lever to progress.
    Level 83 - Tap and drag the various geometric shapes around the door to "solve" the puzzle in the door. The shape's position matches the color on the ceiling. Here's an image on how to beat level 83.
    Level 84 - hit the buttons that make the color on the wall at the same time - all buttons, only red, both blue, all buttons
    Level 85 - light the candles with your flame starting at middle, then left then right. Extinguish right flame, then left, relight left candle, extinguish left then middle flame
    Level 86 - click on numbers at top to know how to move dial.  Counter clockwise to 11.  Clockwise to 5. Clockwise to 1, counter clockwise to 8, clockwise to 12
    Level 87 - shake phone to wake bear, click to move him, wait until he falls back asleep to open door
    Level 88 - pull down hat on top left below vent, pull over hat in middle right above the hat on the floor.  Flip the hat top right.  Start ball by dropping in the highest hat on top right
    Level 89 - tap se, SI, ni, fi, fo
    Level 90 - hit the first button 4 times, the middle 3 times and right button twice. Then hit small star in top right corner to illuminate last button and open door.

Levels 91-100
    Level 91 - grab paint brush in bottom right corner then select and brush same bottom right corner. Press the exposed 16 then tap each of the following boxes to match the right color: top left = orange, top middle = light blue, top right = dark blue, bottom left = green, bottom middle = purple, and bottom right = yellow.
    Level 92 - tap the squares to match the right direction: top left = up, top right = right, bottom left = up, and bottom right = down.
    Level 93 - press and hold the left button for nine seconds (the door will stay lit), then press and hold the right button for three seconds.
    Level 94 - tap bottom left light to point to top middle, tap bottom middle to point to top left, tap bottom right to point to top right, tap top left to point to bottom middle, tap top middle to point to bottom left, and tap top right to point to bottom right. Here's an image on how to beat level 94.
    Level 95 - tap top row to turn green, tap middle to turn green, and tap bottom row to turn green.
    Level 96 - select "tetris" shapes from the surrounding area to fill in the door. Here's an image on how to beat level 96.
    Level 97 - select machette and cut balloon, grab and select number and place above door, then tap numbers below door to 3 - 5 - 7 - 7.
    Level 98 - select brush and wipe the left of the calculator then type 5-2-3-7-5 and press "enter"
    Level 99 - press volume up one (to get +), then press x, =, x, volume down one (to get -)
    Level 100 - swipe the far left plank in each of the four rows to the right then swipe the third from the right on the bottom row up to the left, the fourth from the right on the next row up to the left, then the sixth on the next row up to the left. Here's an image on how to beat level 100.
READ MORE - 100 Floors Cheat

The Sims Freeplay for Apple devices (ipad, iphone, itouch), Android devices, xbox 360

This is the sims freeplay cheat :D

How to make sims throw up
Shake you're device vigorously (phone, tablet, iPod, etc), until your Sims get wobbly. Shake more to throw up. If Sims are sitting down they won't throw up but the ones that are standing up doing nothing will puke all at the same time. Then you can take a pic of it using the white camera icon usually located at the top right corner of the screen. Just for fun XD~

Endless LP Cheat

    Every time you reach a new population milestone, you are awarded 5LP.
    Delete an item to go just back under the milestone award.
    Then press the home button and end the game in the multi-task menu.
    Put the game back on and you’ll notice you can achieve the reward again.
    Buy an item to reach the award again and, voila, another 5LP!

Endless Money

    Now with all that extra LP you can buy featured items.
    Buy the coffin bed for 6LP and sell for 2,000.
    Repeat process over and over as much as You need.

Free Simoleons and LP

    Click on the purple button that takes you to the store where you can use a credit card to buy SIMOLEONS and lifestyle points.
    When the "connecting to the server" screen comes up, press the home button on your iPhone to exit the game.
    Wait ten seconds.
    Open the game again and hit the red CANCEL button on the stores loading screen
    Click on the store button again. Everything is now free. (*evil laugh, muahahahaha)

Even More LP Money

  • First, go into the store where you can buy the money and stuff but as soon as you push the button exit out of the game.
  • Wait at least ten seconds then go back into the game and, VOILA!, ALL OF THE THINGS ARE FREE AND UNLIMITED!!

READ MORE - The Sims Freeplay for Apple devices (ipad, iphone, itouch), Android devices, xbox 360

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hay Day Cheats Tips n Trick

Hay Day Cheats Tips n Trick
How to get money VERY quickly

To get money extremely quickly in Hay Day, first, go hunting through your newspaper, and other people's newspapers, for construction equipment and saws, dynamite, and other goods selling in bulk (I.E. 5 for 400 or something). Buy them all. Then, turn around and sell them individually for between 180 and 220 coins apiece, and put an advertisement on the very last one you list, so that when people go to the store, they will see all of them.
Diamond Trade Swap
Look for a farm called 10=1 diamond run by kyleigh.. I'm not sure how it works but every 100 you spend you get 1 free diamond...

Fast XP
Wanna get fast XP: If you are level 15 or up and you have apple trees make sure you pick the apples you will get 7 XP per apple. Try and find apple advertisements in the paper, then visit the people that have apple advertisements then search their farm for shaking trees with exclamation marks on a sign, click on the sign and you get an XP reward. Complete orders on the order board. Visit other people's farm and look at their dock if it has a crate with an exclamation mark click it and take a look at the supplies you need to get an XP reward.

Cats and Dogs
You can buy the cats and dogs with vouchers and you gain vouchers from completing boat and truck orders or harvesting crops and treasure box. You can not trade them. When you have enough vouchers you can buy your cat or dog, but before you do this you must buy a cat or dog house. Your cats and dogs will need feeding, milk for cats and bacon for dogs. Every time you feed your pet you will get 30 xp. They only feed every few hours. Apart from the xp they are mainly a decorative purpose for your farm, or for some players, it is a achievement getting each individual pet.

Finding Missing Crops
If you have run out of a certain type of crop, go into your friends tab and select Greg. Enter his roadside shop and buy everything that is there. Some times there is even some tools there for a very low price. If Greg does not have what you want, visit other farms and go thought their Newspapers and buy what you need in bulk (like 10 wheat for $x).

Roadside Shop
Provided you have an available slot you can sell stuff at the roadside shop as often as you want. You can only get a free advertisement in the newspaper every 30 mins.

Wood Panels
These can either be found in the treasure chests or you can buy them with your diamonds. A good place to find them is when your are harvesting crops as they will just appear and go into your barn.

Buying Missing Crops
If you are missing some crops simply go to a friends farm and find their roadside shop and tap on it and see what they are selling. Or if your level 7+ open your newspaper and see whats being sold.

Free stuff
Buy a lot of wheat until silo full plant half of it then turn your device up right and shake it while cutting down wheat u will get free items.

How to get diamonds in hayday? check it here!
READ MORE - Hay Day Cheats Tips n Trick

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New item in my store!!

Now this cute outfit is available on etsy. This cute romper is made from cotton rayon yarn with cute rose made from ribbon. I use variegated yarn, and turns out so cute. Really love the result.
I love crocheting for tiny BJD.
Grab it for your tiny one too

READ MORE - New item in my store!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Flappy Bird' creator Dong Nguyen returns with new game! Swing Copters

I believe you still remember the Flappy Bird game. While most people love to play the Flappy Bird in their phones or tablets, I only can look, yeah I can't play the game >.< My highest score is 3. Arrgh, it's so frustrating for me.

Anyway, Dong Nguyen the creator returns with new game, same 8-bit style, and perhaps gonna be addictive again. Hope I can play it this time

In Swing Copters, players are tasked with navigating platforms with swinging hammers while climbing upwards towards the sky, a deviation from the original side-scrolling gameplay in Flappy Bird. According to TouchArcade, who has been given an early look at Swing Copters, the game gives players the same “just one more try” feeling as Flappy Bird did, while being even more "brutally difficult." . I’ve posted a video showing the game in action below…

Swing Copters is set to be released this Thursday, August 21, 2014. The game will be a free download with a $0.99 in-app purchase to remove ads.
READ MORE - 'Flappy Bird' creator Dong Nguyen returns with new game! Swing Copters

Hiyaa!! Finally update the blog and the store!!

Shimeji the mini amigurumi mushroom is now available in 2 choices, solid colour and variegated colour

You can choose to have them plain or as a key chain, phone charm, zipper pull or dust plug.

I love the 201 for variegated and for the solid one, my fav is 105.

I made this cutie all by myself, each of them is so unique, you can get them for yourself or gift, they'll love it

Take a look here
READ MORE - Hiyaa!! Finally update the blog and the store!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

GTA V cheats & tips for Xbox 360 (X360)

Grand Theft Auto V cheats, cheat codes, unlockables, hints, for Xbox 360 (X360)

Fast And Free Vehicle Repairs

When your vehicle is damaged and messed up, you don't have to pay to repair it. Just park your vehicle and get out of it. Do a quick save with your phone and reload that quick save. Your vehicle will be exactly where you left it, but will be in perfect condition.

Spawn Items/ Everything Else

At any time while playing the game, you can enter the codes below. If you enter it correctly, you'll see a little icon on the map. Before you enter any of these codes, be sure to do a save of your game, or you can't get any more achievements.

Lower wanted level
While playing the game, press RB (2), B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left.

Raise wanted level
While playing the game, press RB (2), B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Slidey carsWhile playing the game, press Y, RB (2), Left, RB, LB, RT, LB.

Faster run
While playing the game, press Y, Left, Right (2), LT, LB, X.

Explosive ammo rounds
While playing the game, press Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right (2), LB (3).

Explosive melee attacks
While playing the game, press Right, Left, A, Y, RB, B (3), LT.

Slow motion aim
While playing the game, press X, LT, RB, Y, Left, X, LT, Right, A. The code can be entered up to four times to increase its effect. Enter it a fifth time to disable the code.

Recharge ability
While playing the game, press A (2), X, RB, LB, A, Right, Left, A.

Spawn Buzzard aircraft
While playing the game, press B (2), LB, B (3), LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y. The Buzzard is a helicopter with missiles and guns. It must be spawned in a large enough area for it to appear, or it will not spawn.

Spawn Caddy vehicle
While playing the game, press B, LB, Left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A.

Spawn Duster aircraft
While playing the game, press Right, Left, RB (3), Left, Y (2), A, B, LB (2).

Spawn Limo vehicle
While playing the game, press RT, Right, LT, Left (2), RB, LB, B, Right.

Spawn parachute
While playing the game, press Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT (2), Left (2), Right, LB.

Spawn PCJ bike
While playing the game, press RB, Right, Left, Right, RT, Left, Right, X, Right, LT, LB (2).

Spawn Rapid GT vehicle
While playing the game, press RT, LB, B, Right, LB, RB, Right, Left, B, RT.

Spawn Sanchez bike
While playing the game, press B, A, LB, B (2), LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB (2).

Spawn Stunt Plane aircraft
While playing the game, press B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB (2), Left (2), A, Y.

Spawn Trashmaster vehicle
While playing the game, press B, RB, B, RB, Left (2), RB, LB, B, Right.

Spawn Comet vehicle
While playing the game, press RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A (2), X, RB.

Drunk mode
While playing the game, press Y, Right (2), Left, Right, X, B, Left.

Slow motion mode
While playing the game, press Y, Left, Right (2), X, RT, RB. The code can be entered up to four times to increase its effect. Enter it a fifth time to disable the code.

Change weather
While playing the game, press RT, A, LB (2), LT (3), X. Each time the code is entered, it rotates through thunder, clear, and snowy weather.

Using this configuration you can fly like superman!
LB , LT, RB, RT , Left, Right, Left, Right (x2)

Spawn Submarine
LB, LB, RB, RB, Y, X, Y, X ( Must be spawned in water in order for it to spawn ).
Moon Gravity
While playing the game, press Left, Left, LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB Left.
Super Jump
While playing the game, press Left, Left,  Y, Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RB, RT.
Duplicate Vehicles Cheat/Glitch
Start with any customized car, and get it set up as you want. Switch to a different character and drive by the character in the customized car, and then hang out with him. Get out of your vehicle and drive the customized car. When you return with the customized car after hanging out with the other character, there will be another of the same customized car. Get out of the car, and take the duplicated customized car. Then, switch back to the other character, and take the original customized car. BOOM!

Now, place the vehicle you want to duplicate inside that character's garage and leave the garage. Save the game and switch to the character you want to receive the duplicated car. Travel to the garage of the previous character where you saved the car. Switch back to the original character who owns the garage and take the car out of it. Get out of the car and have both characters meet each other., Immediately switch to the other character, get in the vehicle, and save it in that character's garage. The original character now must pay a small $250 fine to the impound lot to get the vehicle back... BUT it will be duplicated! Both characters will now own the same vehicle. Repeat this as many times as desired. When you use this exploit with the Truffade Adder (Bugatti Veyron) super car, it is worth $1 million.

RockStar LifeInvader Unlocks
You can get more customizations, discounts, and even free items for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor! To get them, first go to Rockstar's LifeInvader social network., Click the "Stalk" button on the page and sign into LifeInvader with your Social Club name and password. When you're logged in, different pages will appear randomly each time you refresh. Click the "Stalk" button on each one to unlock something new for use in GTA V. The possible unlocks that you can get by stalking include:

Give Weapons
Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB (3)

Max Health + Armor 
B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB (3)

this cheat only lasts for 5 minutes and then it will deactivate itself so you must reactivate it. Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y

Moon Gravity 
after activating this cheat you will experience low gravity after entering a vehicle. Exiting the vehicle will disable the cheat. (i think this is flying cars) Left (2), LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB, Left

God Mode Cheat
Enter this and you will be invincible (caution! Only lasts for 5 mins) right, A, right, left, right, RB, right, left, A, Y Note: you can use this right after the 5 min are up!

Skyfall (Spawn In The Sky)
While playing the game, press LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right.


Heist Outfits
100% Shirts : Attain 100% in game
Mission Specific Outfits : Beat the Main Story Missions

GTA Online Tattoo List
Angel Tattoo : Complete the All Rounder Award by winning every game mode at least once
BlackJack Tattoo : Complete Full Metal Jacket Award by robbing 25 armored trucks
Blank Scroll Tattoo : the Widow Maker Award by killing 250 players
Broken Skull Tattoo : Complete the Scoping Out Award by killing 500 players with a sniper rifle
Burning Heart Tattoo : Complete the Slayer award by placing in the top 3 positions in 25 deathmatches
Clown Dual Wield Dollars Tattoo : Hold Up 20 Stores
Clown Dual Wield Tattoo : Hold up 15 stores
Clown Tattoo : Hold up 5 stores
Clown With Gun Tattoo : Hold up 10 stores
Dragon & Dagger Tattoo : Complete the Equalizer Award by killing a player that has killed you 3 consecutive times in a deathmatches (x25)
Embellished Scroll Tattoo : Work towards the Widow Maker Award by killing 500 players
Flaming Skull Tattoo : Complete Killstreaker Award by getting the most kills in a 4 player Survival game
Grim Reaper Smoking Gun Tattoo : Complete the Clear Out Award by completing 5 Gang Attacks during one in-game day in a single session
Grim Reaper Tattoo : Complete the Team Carrier Award by being the MVP in 25 deathmatches
Hottie Tattoo : Complete the Lapping It Up Award by getting 25 private dances at the strip club
Hustler Tattoo : Complete the Hustler Award by winning $50,000 in bets
Los Santos Customs Tattoo : Fully mod a vehicle at a Los Santos Customs location
Melting Skull Tattoo : Complete the Death Toll Award by accumulating 500 deathmatch kills
Racing Blonde Tattoo : Complete the Record Holder Award by setting a world record in any GTAO race
Racing Brunette : Win 50 Races
Ride or Die Tattoo : Complete the Road Rage Award by killing at least 3 other racers (or the same racer x3) before winning a GTA-mode race
Seven Deadly Sins Tattoo : Complete the Widow Maker Award by killing 1000 players
Skull & Sword Tattoo : Complete The Bounty Hunter Award by successfully collecting 25 bounties
Skull Tattoo : Complete the Headbanger Award by killing 500 players with head shots
The Wages of Sin Tattoo : Complete the Bloodiest of The Bunch Award by
Trust No One Tattoo : Complete the Car Bomber Award by killing 50 players with car bombs
Way Of The Gun Tattoo : Complete the Pistol whipped Award by killing 500 players with a pistol

READ MORE - GTA V cheats & tips for Xbox 360 (X360)
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