Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pet Society Museum Edition~ Yay *updated

Hey Pet Society Fans! IIs your pet ready to show off their personal treasures and other artifacts in their very own Museum? That’s right, pet fans! It’s Treasures from the Past Week, so dig out those rare items you’ve been collecting and put them on display for all of your neighbors to gawk at! Enjoy a sneak peek of the items which will be available on Monday, April 4th (12AM GMT)

Evolving Mystery Statue
(Boutique - For Your Home) (Market – Cool Stuff)
 Statue of David
(Evolves from Evolving Mystery Statue)
 The Thinker Statue
(Evolves from Evolving Mystery Statue)
Venus De Milo Statue
(Evolves from Evolving Mystery Statue)

Every museum needs statues! When you purchase the new Evolving Mystery Statue your pet will be given one of three famous statues from the past: Statue of David, The Thinker Statue, or Venus De Milo Statue. No matter the outcome, your pet will have their very own piece of history to display for all! Check out the Boutique on Monday to purchase your own Evolving Mystery Statue and watch as your marble block transforms into a legendary statue for you to keep!
Final Week to collect your perfume bottles!

We’re finishing up with week three of the great perfume hunt! There are 6 more perfumes to collect, and once you’ve successfully opened, dug up and found all 18 of them you will be awarded with the amazingly stunning Grand Ballroom for free! (See this post for more details and a picture of the room) Remember, if you missed a day, you can always purchase the perfume from the Boutique to help complete the collection!
 Amber Perfume
(Available March 31st & April 1st)
 Blue Topaz Perfume
(Available April 4th & 5th)
 Emerald Perfume
(Available April 2nd & 3rd)
 Sapphire Perfume
(Weekly Digging Update)
 Ruby Perfume 
(Available April 6th)
Tourmaline Perfume
(Free Gift)

What’s in the Box?

The Mystery Boxes have been stocked with brand new items! See if you can find all four items, starting with the Museum Burglar Alarm to protect your precious goods from cheeky little fellows like the Museum Burglar Plushie ! Fun fact: The SLR Camera is wearable! The sign says “No Cameras Allowed”, but if you’re really careful, you might be able to sneak in a snapshot or two of the Museum Crystal Decor. Good luck (and don’t get caught!)

Museum Burglar Alarm
(Red Mystery Box)

Museum Burglar Plushie (Gold Mystery Box)

Museum Crystal Decor (Blue Mystery Box)

SLR Camera Mystery (Gold Mystery Box)

How about Win or Lose?

Black Gothic Maid Dress (Mystery – Win or Lose Box)

Pink Gothic Maid Dress (Mystery – Win or Lose Box)

READ MORE - Pet Society Museum Edition~ Yay *updated
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