I used Mozilla FireFox, Flash Player 9 or 10, Cheat Engine 5.5
Steps: (in these steps, I used max 4 stoves as example, while you can make it to 5, 6, 7, etc)
1. Go into Cafe World. Select firefox as process for CE5.5
2. Go to Customize > Functional > Stoves
3. You should see the line '4 of 4 stoves used' (if all the stoves are in your cafe now, or 7 of 7, etc)
4. Scan the '4' (Max of stoves used, or '7', etc)
5. Drag 1 stove from the cafe down into the shop
6. You should now see the line '3 of 4 stoves used' (or '6 of 7 stoves used)
7. NEXT SCAN '3' (or '6', just decrease it 1)
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you have 1-3 addresses left.
9. Now change the value of all the remaining addresses to '1' and TICK frozen 10. You can now have infinite stoves just for fun ^^
credits to: infinitehax
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