Here's some Cafe World Cheat about how add more stoves or counters...
I used Mozilla FireFox, Flash Player 9 or 10, Cheat Engine 5.5
Steps: (in these steps, I used max 4 stoves as example, while you can make it to 5, 6, 7, etc)
1. Go into Cafe World. Select firefox as process for CE5.5
2. Go to Customize > Functional > Stoves
3. You should see the line '4 of 4 stoves used' (if all the stoves are in your cafe now, or 7 of 7, etc)
4. Scan the '4' (Max of stoves used, or '7', etc)
5. Drag 1 stove from the cafe down into the shop
6. You should now see the line '3 of 4 stoves used' (or '6 of 7 stoves used) 7. NEXT SCAN '3' (or '6', just decrease it 1) 8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you have 1-3 addresses left. 9. Now change the value of all the remaining addresses to '1' and TICK frozen 10. You can now have infinite stoves just for fun ^^
Here's some Tips and Trick (maybe Q & A) that I hope would help you ^^
What is the max Buzz ? What is the Buzz for ?
The max Buzz is 105. The Buzz is same as Fame (or popularity in restaurant city), the higher it is the more customers will come to you meaning more money and CP (Cafe Points) since you will need to make more dishes.
The min Buzz is 5.
How customers lower my Buzz ?
- One satisfied customer = + 0.1 buzz - customer cant sit down = - 1.0 buzz - customer doesn’t get served = - 1.0 buzz - customer sits on an empty plate = - 1.0 buzz
Closing your Cafe
Remember to remove the door or put a chair behind the door to save your buzz rating ^^ I always do that hehehe
Are there differences in quality, serving number, or experience points for the different stoves and serving counters available in game ?
They are purely decorations and won’t make anything special. The differences are in cost for the item and appearance of the item only. That's why I always use the cheapest one
How to save this game before closing?
Well, this is a beta game, so maybe Zynga will add it soon ^^ just simply refresh your browser after you make some changes
How to change cafe name ?
Simply click on the cafe name in the top right corner of the screen (the yellow one)
How to sell back some items ?
- Choose the chair icon
- Click the item you would like to sell
- Drag it over the cash register icon
How to give some item as gift?
Yay, wait for some days, still coming soon ^^
How many dishes does customers eat in a minute ?
Well It depend how many customer you have, In the maximum Buzz 105
they ate 13 serves a minute
so it’s 800 an hour
19200 for a day
so lets for 12 it will be 9600
That's all I know, maybe if I have another tips, I'll add it hehehe ^^ enjoy your games
Cafe World by Zynga. It's a new game released by Zynga that's very similar to Restaurant City by Playfish.
So if you get bored with restaurant city maybe you can playCafeWorld, just consider this as your second restaurant game, hehehe
Here's some screen shot, maybe after you see it, you'll play too, like me, hehehe ^^
The Cookbook
It's different from Restaurant City, that'll only give you 2 coins for any dishes.
About the decoration, I think it's kinda expensive, as you can see, there's a table about 5,000 while to earn sometimes not easy hehehe... I still use the cheapest one, 500, so I can add a lot of tables hehehe
So, what are you waiting for? Let's play now~! Here's the link